ATMSSPHERO – τυρν ιτ υπ

woven of warm air and summer sun glare on crystal waves
fresh as young leaves on tree branches and bright flowers of infinite spring
sparkling with frosty breath of grey blizzard softly enveloping homes and people
slowly melting in the light of fading autumn in order to be born again
music of eternity
«it’s a struggle of heat and cold on the bottom of ocean, atmosphere blowing you away into the memories you never want to leave. this is all about ATMSSPHERO» 5IX D∑GЯ∑∑Z
«Well, imagine that you are driving a foreign car production late 80s, some Opel, they have such a distinctive smell. You’re rushing at night on a country road in the middle of forests and hills, no any traffic lights. It’s a fuckin november’s cold and hard biting wind behind the window. Сar heater turned on and making the air in the cabin hot & dry as sand in the south of the Mediterranean.
Cigarette smoke coming through the clothes, leather, seats and hurting eyes. ‘d like something to wet your throat and quench your thirst. But the only you have it’s fuckin corn Kentucky Jack. You have to go two or three hours totally alone.
What do you do then? Just turn up the volume and rushing on, in the dawn.» Hjördis-Britt Åström