Summer of Haze – Come With Me, Hail Mary

Almost magic, these modern dreamy and catching tunes with serious dance music influence created by unknown hypnagogic pop king Summer of Haze were carefully collected into this release, good news everyone – «Come With Me, Hail Mary» – the debut album of Summer of Haze is out!
«..this one is greater than last Salem’s work, after listening to this music you don’t feel a shame of being a hipster» (((О)))
«Slow music from the dark dance floors, mystical and sexual at the same time.
It will make you feel you are going out of your body, and then it will pull you back down…so you could dance some more.» Nikola Nežit
«Summer of Haze has a really classic new approach to the idea of ‘witch house’. it’s like the sounds naturally fluctuate between really intimidating emptiness and gushes of massive evocative sounds, the whole thing’s really endearingly chilling and i’d definitely recommend it.» /PLEASE/